Reluctant technologist. CAD & Technical Lead/nerd at London Ambulance Service. Tech stuff, NHS/999 stuff, occasional Excel witchcraft. Views, regrettably, my own.

GitHub won't let me turn off 2FA

OK, OK, look, I don’t want to turn off 2FA on GitHub. Obviously. But on the page in my account settings where I might do such a thing, I now see this warning: Now then. A few clarifications, because the most annoying kind of person will read this blog post in bad faith: I don’t want to turn off 2FA Open source software is a...

How to Save a Life: my EMF talk is online

As I blogged about in June, I went to Electromagnetic Field this year, and did a fun little talk about my day job. The video of that talk is now online and you can watch it if you want to know what I do all day. It’s also on YouTube if you like YouTube. That’ll be all!

I don't want to stream the Olympics

Remember when everything didn’t have to be done over IP? This, I will admit, is a rant that I have been boring my friends with at the pub for a long time (sorry, Alice). The Olympics has brought it to a head, but this complaint is one I have had ever since the Streaming Revolution took hold. I like it when television comes into my...

Power over Ethernet for the smart home

We’ve talked before about how annoying I find smart home stuff, and one of the key things I’ve moaned about previously is the fact I need eight hubs to make all of the stuff in my house talk to each other. I moved recently, and had one of those “why didn’t I think of this sooner?” moments whilst unplugging all of that gubbins and plugging...


In case you weren’t anywhere near a computer yesterday, endpoint management software CrowdStrike botched an update and killed millions of Windows machines — some reports suggesting up to a billion [EDIT: now estimated to be 8.5 million] — around the world. Oops. Look, this was bad. We can talk about whether endpoint security software should embed itself so deeply in the Windows kernel. We can...